Monday, July 19, 2010

Debbie Fox

Jason and I were honored to take pictures of Debbie Fox and her husband, Steven last week. We had such a great time! They met in college and are now, a few years later, parents of five grown children, one of which is currently interning in India and soon to graduate from BYU later this summer, active runners and a couple that truly enjoys their lives together. Steven and Debbie are a perfect example of the kind of couple that Jason and I strive to be like in our own relationship. There was so much love and support and genuine respect between them, it was no wonder that she wanted to have this calendar experience involve the 'Rock' in her life.

Debbie's battle with cancer is very recent having finished treatment early last year. Like many other stories I've heard, as a result of the chemo, she was left not feeling/looking like herself. Steve being an avid runner, participating in multiple marathons every year, inspired his wife to start spending time with him on the trail running. It was a challenge at first, but after training and really committing to this new way of life she now is running 5K's alongside Steven and looking fantastic. Without being told, you would never know that she is on this journey by looking at her. Debbie told me, "If it weren't for all the scars, this would just feel like a bad dream." Debbie is such an inspiration and we are honored to feature her in our calendar.

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