Friday, July 23, 2010

Melissa Rouse

Since I first met Melissa I have been impressed with her vitality and passion for life. We've only known each other for a few months having been introduced by a mutual friend as a business connection for my job search. During our first meeting, we talked a lot about my professional goals and what my work experience entailed. It was then that I introduced her to this project. Since our meeting was of a professional nature, I was caught off guard when tears welled up in her eyes as I told her the story of our first few photo shoots and our eventual goal of funding the Susan G Komen 3 day walk in September for Jason and myself. It was then that she shared her story...she was a survivor.

She was diagnosed during Breast Cancer Awareness month a few years ago. Adding herself to a long list of family members including her grandmother, two aunts, and one great aunt that had all faced this news. Sadly all of these women lost the battle, but Melissa has continued on with a new found passion for finding a cure. Since finishing treatment, Melissa has walked the Susan G Komen 3 Day, taken up cycling, and is working towards starting her own fundraising event. She told me, "I have been doing all these bike rides for different causes, but I can't find a boob ride!"

Being a part of our calendar was just another way to share hope, for herself, for her mother (who was diagnosed after Melissa and is doing well) and everyone else who hears her story. In her own words,

"This means a l.o.t. to me...being a survivor that can fight to bring awareness and show that there is life after cancer...and a life that may even be better in some strange way. I am in the best shape of my life all because I started walking, and eventually training for the 3 Day, while recovering, as a way to get fresh air and exercise."

Melissa, you are an inspiration. Thank you for letting us share your story!

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